Fall Challenge: How Well Do You L.I.S.T.E.N. to Yourself?

The canal is a beautiful place to take some time and reflect

The canal is a beautiful place to take some time and reflect

As I was flipping through my Instagram account (I use it lot to see other runners’ progress and motivation as I train), I came across a quote that really hit home for some reason:

“Be stubborn about your goals but flexible about your methods.” — unknown

I immediately began to think about my marathon training progress.  As I get closer and closer to peaking in mileage, I have been trying to stick with my training schedule — no matter what.  However, as the flu season hits, class and work gets busy and schedules change, I find myself struggling to schedule my runs at “ideal times”.  And here is what I am slowly beginning to realize — that it is OK because it is LIFE.  Being committed is a great thing, but where is the self-compassion?  Our bodies know, people around us know, but why is it so hard for us to know when we are doing too much?

This may seem like a simple concept, but it can actually be quite challenging to alter your routine.  When first starting to train for races, I would freak out if I had to switch around training days or take an unanticipated rest day.  However, as a (now) senior, I have to face the fact my daily schedule will no longer allow rigid training methods. I am still trying to accept the fact that making alterations might be necessary and even benefit me in the long run (no pun intended).   Yes I might take an extra day off of running some weeks, but I use that day for needed rest or to strengthen a weaker area of my body.  I am still determined to train and complete my race, but I know I might need to alter my methods.  Therefore, for the September and October Months, I would like to for us to L.I.S.T.E.N.  to ourselves — listen to our bodies, our schedules, our minds… anything that is telling us we are sacrificing our physical, social or emotional (mental) health.  Using this acronym, take a step back and evaluate!


L = love and appreciate the efforts you are making towards whatever you may be doing. Don’t fret if you have to make substitutions in your training.

I = incorporate new methods in your training to make it exciting!  Always cross-train using the elliptical?  Try some circuit training instead for a day!

S = say no — NOT to everything.  Remember, there is a time and place to push yourself, but part of self-compassion is realizing you have taken too many things on.  This can also apply outside of the fitness community.  Talk to a professor, trainer, parent, etc. to help you decide how to lighten your load if you think you’re doing too much

T = think about your goals — are they realistic?  Are you sacrificing a lot of other things to reach it?

E = enjoy!  If you choose to commit to something, make the most out of it and think of the benefits and rewards.  However, if you’re starting to lose interest, that may be a sign you have too much on your plate.

N = never hesitate to ask for help.  Need help sticking with those early morning runs?  Ask a buddy!  Struggling getting everyone to participate in a group project?  Talk to your professor.


Just remember you are not alone in this wonderful overwhelming world and there are so many resources out there to help you no matter what your goals might be!  Happy fall everyone!

Permanent link to this article: http://blogs.butler.edu/hrcblog/2014/09/23/fall-challenge-monthly-challenge/

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