I am Enough — Taking a Pause on “People-Pleasing”

Fitness 173

As a senior getting ready to enter the so-called “real-world,” I must be honest —  I am afraid.  I am afraid I will not find a solid job.  I am afraid I will never get out of debt.  I am afraid of being wrong, that I have made the wrong choices and will always pay the consequences.  I am afraid I will not be “enough” – enough for my job, enough for my family – that I somehow will not be able to carry myself through to get to where I want to be.


I think these are pretty normal fears for someone who is getting ready to enter another chapter in their life.  However, it is important to recognize that I am wrong – I am enough.  I am me… I am a daughter, a sister, a friend, etc.  – And that is enough for me and the people who love me.

“Wellness” serves as this huge umbrella that includes so many ways to take care of yourself.  Eating wholesomely, indulging, getting sleep, exercising… those are all ways to show self-compassion.  But what about planning for the future?  What about self-reflecting on your efforts that got you where you are NOW?

Life can seem so brutal.  There will always be those people out there who do not recognize your efforts or think you should go about your life differently.  There will always be people out there that think you could do a little more.  There will always be people out there that might “do” more.  But their story is different than yours.  All of these people – they are not you.  What is important to remember is that YOU know you are enough.  Pleasing other people can feel good, but you will never be truly happy until you learn to please yourself.



This month, please take the time to reflect on how you got to where you are now.  Instead of focusing on what you could do better, focus on what you have already done.  Being at this university is an honor in itself and for me it has allowed me to thrive, making wonderful friends and finding a field I am passionate about.  I know I will fail, I will fall and I will forget.  But I will always try.  People around me have seen my efforts and know that I am doing all I can to live a happy wholesome life – they love me and see that I am enough.  I am proud to say at this point in my life I am starting to notice it too.

Share your story!  Why are you enough?  Tweet or post at the HRC followed by the hashtag #iamenough

Have a great week everyone!

Permanent link to this article: http://blogs.butler.edu/hrcblog/2015/04/12/pause-peoplepleasing/

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