
“To me, the Real Business Experience course is the epitome of the motto, “Real life.  Real business.”  Everything I learned in this course can be easily applied to real life situations that I will undoubtedly encounter in the future. The hands-on experience that I gained in this course will not only look attractive on a resume, but has sharpened the numerous skills that I will be expected to possess in the growing business world.”

– Kyle Moriarty, C.F.O.

“Because I switched my major I technically didn’t need this course, but taking it was one of the best academic decisions I have made. There is no better way to learn than by doing, and that’s what the Real Business Experience is all about. You face difficulties and have to make decisions, while effectively communicating with the people on your team. You may experience success or encounter struggles within your business, but you find yourself learning a little bit more every step of the way. It’s truly an experience that can’t be replicated by learning only within the classroom, and I know the knowledge I gained will assist me in the future.”

-Sheila Tomasbi, Head of PR/Advertising

“It is clear that everything changes, especially in the business world. After reading, “Who Moved My Cheese?” I saw how the inability to change one’s motives could eventually destroy his or her career. In my point of view, the overall success of an individual is determined by their ability to adapt to changes in life. Throughout this semester, I had to deal with change on a weekly basis. We had several business ideas that needed to be changed, other concepts that we had to focus on from one week to the next, and there were always ways to improve our business after presentations and plans were evaluated. There is no doubt that I grew a lot as an individual with respect to adapting to change in the business environment thanks to this course. The most important “take away” for me… don’t be afraid of change.”

-Joseph Lee, Chief Executive Officer

“Real Business Experience offers something most classes don’t, which is real life experience in the field of business. This course gives you the opportunity to be creative with your own ideas and to flourish not only as an individual but as a group too. Learning through experience is one of the most effective methods of learning because it gives you the opportunity to make your own mistakes and to learn from them in the process. In this course I learned how to effectively work in a team atmosphere, how to efficiently deal with change and that not all change is bad, and about all the different sections that go in to making a successful business plan.”

-Tyler Smith, Head of Operations