
Relevant Course Objectives:

  • Be able to articulate the connections between curriculum and school reform.
  • Explore assumptions about academic achievement discourse and human development discourse in education.
  • Develop an educational philosophy that is tied to established philosophical frameworks.
  • Identify developmentally appropriate practices from model schools.



The link below will provide a typography of the five philosophies of education we will discuss in the course.  This chart will provide quick reference information about the “big ideas” and “big thinkers” associated with each.  Underneath this link, you’ll be able to access TEDtalks that further and more clearly address what each philosophy may look like in action.  Please view the videos with the prompting questions in mind as you take notes in preparation of you conferences.

Five Philosophies of Education

Click on the picture below to view the Infographic

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Perennialist Schooling (Liberal Arts)

Why is a liberal arts education so important? What does this type of education strive toward?  What/who benefits from an education in the liberal arts? What/who is excluded from a liberal arts education?  Butler University is a liberal arts university with some professional colleges.  In what ways is Butler meeting (or not meeting) the vision Liz Coleman presents.  How does a liberal arts education fit the perennialist philosophy?

Liz Coleman's TEDtalk

Essentialist AND Progressivist Schooling

There are two videos here that link the Essentialist and Progressive philosophies as oppositional to one another.  Do you believe these philosophies are in conflict?  The Essentialist philosophy seems to be painted in a negative light?  Why is this?  What are the benefits of the Essentialist education paradigm?  What than is the goal of Progressive education and how does that look in a “real” educational context?

Click on the videos below:

How to Learn from Mistakes

Schools Kill Creativity

Social Reconstruction Schooling

Is is clear from the title that this philosophical stance seeks to change society.  In what practical, specific ways does this happen?  How is this philosophy like the other philosophies you’ve looked at so far?  How is it unique?  Have you seen this philosophy in practice?

Kids Take Charge

Existentialist Schooling

The Existential Philosophy is the most “philosophical” of all the ones we are reviewing.  It might seem that a compulsory, public education can not support this individual-focused philosophy.  How might the growing trend in on-line/cloud-based education reshape our notion of public education?  Should it?  Why?

School in the Cloud


Considerations in Curriculum Development and Practices

This power point and padlet below provide overviews of what curriculum is and what must be considered in creating it.

ECE Curriculum[1]


If you would like to see videos that highlight real schools modeling these theories and philosophies in practice, please check out edutopia.org
