
Relevant course objectives:

  • Be able to articulate the role of federal legislation in public education.
  • Understand the impact of current issues in education.


Who is in charge of decision making for schools?

School Governance

Challenging the Spectacle: A Case Study on Educational Policy Advocacy

Blog Post on Causes of Teacher Turn-over_

Educational Policy and School Reform Movements

What is the role of policy in education?

The Freedom to Learn


Types of School Choice in School Reform

Magnet Schools: http://www.publicschoolreview.com/articles/2

Charter Schoolshttp://www.uncommonschools.org/


  • There are also for-profit charter schools–these are different from charter schools discussed above.

Parochial school:  A school that provides religious education in addition to conventional education. In a narrower sense, a parochial school is a  school which is part of, and run by, a parish.

Independent school: A school that is independent in its finances and governance; it is not dependent upon national, local government, nor taxpayer contributions for funding. It is funded by a combination of tuition charges, gifts, and/or endowments. The school is governed by a board of directors that is elected by an independent means. It is allowed to receive government funds for programming.

Home Schooling: http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa-294.html  and  http://doe.in.gov/student-services/home-school/homeschool-help-sheet


How do we pay for education and who decides?

School Vouchers: http://stateimpact.npr.org/indiana/tag/school-vouchers/

School Finance Part I

School Finance Part II