
Relevant course objectives:

  • Develop dispositions in support of inclusive classroom practices.
  • Understand the importance of diversity in all areas of education.
  • Examine cultural influences on identity development.
  • Be able to identify how societal change impacts schools.
  • Be able to identify the philosophical basis of inclusion
  • Understand special education from a historical and legal perspective



Culture influences many aspects of learning and development including how people communicate, how they expect to learn, and what is worth learning. Understanding individual and cultural differences can help teachers know how to best meet learner needs.

“Our cultural identities are a complex weave of all the cultural groups we belong to that influence our values, beliefs, and behaviors.” This quote is from the article linked below.

Click here to read an ebook on understanding culture and what it means to be a cultural responsive practitioner.

Click here to watch an 18 minute COE Talk by Dr. Katie Brooks on supporting English Language Learners.


The Cultural Shifts in Society and the Impacts on Education

Below, you will find a single chapter of a textbook covering some of the types of diversity represented in classrooms.  You’ll also see how the demographics have shifted over time.

Student Diversity–Culture

Student Diversity–Language

Student Diversity–Gender

Student Diversity–Exceptionalities

Student Diversity–Gifted

Inclusion: Historical Trends, Current Practices, and Tomorrow’s Challenges
