
Lately I’ve been working on learning how to train classes in things like Panopto and Digital Storytelling.  So I’ve added a page under Information Commons that lists the programs I can now train in!

Just added…

…two Quick Guides that I have written!  They’re under Information Commons >> Projects.


I have added so much since I last posted on here!  I added a section to my résumé that lists that various experiences I have had in classrooms while at Butler and during my senior year of high school.  I have also added a few more InfoSheets and I am currently working on a LibGuide that will be added later!  Enjoy!


I recently added a résumé portion to my portfolio!  I am hoping with this addition, I will be able to use this page with future employers.

My Progressing Portfolio

I have recently been able to add many of my projects that I have completed through the Information Commons to this portfolio.  I feel like it’s really beginning to grow!


I have been learning a lot about various technologies through the Information Commons.  I have learned how to use the instructor side of Blackboard, how to use Screenr, and I made 2 Panopto videos about Classroom Mediation.  I already feel like I’ve learned so much and I know there is more to come!

Becoming WordPress-ified

I am beginning to get more comfortable with this site and how to use it.  I think this knowledge base that I have about the site will continue to grow as I play around with it more.  Gotta love learning new things!