Intro to the Profession of Teaching

By , March 17, 2013 4:43 pm

Course Description: This introductory course helps potential teachers explore the essential questions: How do people learn? What is curriculum and where does it come from? What is the teacher’s role in the school? What role does the community take in the education of children? Do I want to be a teacher?


First Ever Teaching Philosophy (Freshman Year)

I believe that all children should be required to attend school, no matter the race, how much money the family has, or if the child has a disability.  All children are capable of learning to their full potential and should be given the opportunity to do so.  In order for the students to reach their full potential, it lies in the hands of the teachers.  All teachers should have almost all control of having the child reach their peak.  Of course the teacher cannot control what happens outside of the classroom, but what is done inside can help lead to what happens outside.  For example, after the visit to Indy Met, I saw the teaching style that can help out with that.  The teachers gave the students options on what they wanted to study.  Even though the curriculum is different at the Indy Met, the teaching style can still be in play at all other schools.  If the child has options on what they want to learn, it will give them motivation to succeed in life.  They will be spending time on their homework because they are interested in the subject.  Of course public schools need to follow the state curriculum, but there are still ways around it.  You can give the students different options inside of the topic area.  For example, if you are teaching history, have the students do a project on what they want, then they all share it to each other.  Have the students teach each other what interest them.  If there is flexibility in schools, kids will be reaching their full potential.

Another area of strong interest to me is disabilities.  I believe no matter what type of disability the child might have, they can still make a huge difference in life.  We need to find the money to get the accommodations to the children no matter what.  I have heard a lot of stories of children having to drive out of their district to receive an education.  Therefore, we must do what ever it takes to help these kids receive an equal education.  Having come from this background, I know it is possible.  I have had travel teachers come to my school to help me out.  We need to pay for the teacher’s assistance for these children and watch them make a difference in our lives.

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