Classical Studies

Classics is the study of the ancient Mediterranean with a focus on Greek and Roman culture, history and language to learn how these ancient civilizations valued knowledge and organized their societies to understand ourselves. Through the past we ask questions about our values and where they come from and why we hold on to certain ones. The Classics program at Butler offers students hands-on experiences both on campus and abroad. Locally, students can work for the Classics Lab, a curatorial and research position to develop the repository of physical artifacts for students to study. For students interested in travel, there is an archaeological field school in Greece or study abroad course in Rome. Classics students not only learn academic skills but develop an imagination of the past that helps them to see a broader future.

All of Butler’s Offerings

Official Department Page 

Classical Studies (Major and Minor)

Ancient Languages Track –  Classes primarily focused around learning the ancient 

languages of Greek and Latin

Ancient Cultures Track – Classes have a wider scope of culture, language, and 

Influence of the Ancient Civilizations