Ancient Mediterranean Archaeology and Classics Lab

The Ancient Mediterranean Archaeology and Classics (AMCA) lab is a collaborative space for students to interact with each other and artifacts. The lab strives to put the materials of the ancient world into the modern classroom. The lab offers a formal on campus experience for students with artifacts to develop practical skills that relate to archaeological, archival, and curatorial opportunities. There are a variety of ways to be involved in the lab based on individual interests. 

These opportunities include:

  • Social media and Blog management
  • Organization and artifact management  
  • Metadata cataloging and database building
  • Artifact research
  • Educational outreach within the local community

I have truly loved my experience as an AMCA Lab intern. Dr. K is one of my advisors and she has made me fall in love with archeology and artifacts all over again. I have always been interested in museums, but this internship has made me more interested in archival and collections work. My primary jobs as an intern have been artifact research as well as working with the librarians to update on our metadata catalog to digitize our collection. This internship has taught me skills that I wouldn’t learn in the classroom that will apply to my post graduate experience!

Here is what some of the other current interns have to say about their experience:

Sophie Graham, Sophomore History, Anthro, and Classics Majors, shared, “I wanted to be an intern mostly because my schedule gave me so much free time I didn’t know what to do with it and I absolutely love Dr. K and wanted to help out in the Classics Department in any way that I could. I think that I’ve enjoyed just getting to see all of the artifacts that we have stored. On my first day working, I got to see real ancient Egyptian artifacts that had been donated to us and I thought it was the coolest thing ever.”

Gansey Petroff, Junior Classics and Psychology Majors, shared, “I wanted to be an intern because I wanted to become more involved in the department as well as explore my general interest in artifacts! My main job this semester has been accessioning and archiving information, specifically about coins and books. Because of this experience, I have learned to be comfortable with things not always going as planned the first time, but it’s okay to step back and re-evaluate and try again. This internship has given me more interest in museum work and archival work.”