Emily Stark ’18

This interview with Emily Stark was conducted October 2021

Q: Describe your current work? Have you completed any post-graduate training or education?

I am a mental health counselor working at a private practice in Liberty Lake, WA. I completed the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Masters program at Gonzaga University; I graduated in May of this year. I hold the Licensed Mental Health Counselor Associate (LMHCA) certification, which means I am a mental health counselor that just needs to be supervised by a licensed counselor supervisor until I meet the hour requirements for full licensure, which will take roughly 2 years. I am also a Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC), as I took the National Counselor Exam and passed.

Q: What did you learn through your major that you find useful today?

My major was technically Psychology and Anthropology, and many people think the psych part is the most important for my current career, but that’s definitely not true. I learned so much in my anthro classes, especially the ones related to health, medicine, and gender. Anthropology taught me to accept others readily, because both differences and similarities run so deep. One of my favorite soap boxes to get on is “I think everyone everywhere should take at least one anthropology course in their life.” Anthropology is relevant to every single person and career in some way, shape, or form.

Q: Describe a transformative experience you had at Butler.

I don’t think I can identify a single transformative experience at Butler…my entire undergraduate career was pretty transformative, for reasons both related and unrelated to my educational experience. I do know that my major provided me with a very strong foundation for graduate school and my career as a counselor, as my experience was more than just psychology-related.

Q: Is there anything you wish you would have done differently?

I don’t think I would do anything differently. I’ve learned from many of the decisions I made, and I am content with where I am now in terms of my career. If anything, I would have double majored in Psych and Anthro instead of doing a combined major, but I might have died from that, considering the workload I already had…

Q: What advice would you give to current students?

Trust your gut. Talk to professors. Make connections with professors—not just for recommendations and help with classes, but for advice and support. Although I am awful about keeping up with people, there are several professors from Butler that I will always love and remember fondly, and reach out to occasionally to catch up (Hi, Dr. Edwards). My experience with professors in graduate school was not nearly as positive as my experience with professors in undergrad, so if you happen to have a professor you really like (or even if you meet them but don’t have them for a class), reach out to them and connect!