Carly Collins and the Caldwell Heritage Museum

Image of Caldwell Heritage Museum in Lenoir, North Carolina.


Interview with Senior History & Anthropology Student, Carly Collins conducted December 2021


What internship opportunities have you had so far? 

Last summer I interned at a small local museum called Caldwell Heritage Museum in Lenoir, North Carolina. This experience really showed me how much work and dedication goes into managing a museum/historic site and why engaging with the local population is very important as well. 

How did you find the internship?

I was having some bad luck finding internships for the summer, so I actually just googled nearby museums and found one the next town over from my new house in NC. I called the museum and asked if they hired interns for the summer and the director said yes and I was welcome to come in and have an interview. She hired me right after our interview and I got started the next day!

Did you get any feedback from your employer about what made you stand out as a candidate and an intern?

She liked that I called her and asked about internship opportunities. She said that she values self-confidence and finding your own opportunities since that was how I got the internship. While I was an intern, she appreciated how flexible I was in completing a variety of tasks and assisting with day-to-day tasks.

What resources did you use to build your resume? (like professor help, CAPS, classes, workshops, online/youtube demonstrations, etc) 

I used CAPS and met with Courtney Rousseau, who was a great help with my resume and interview skills. I also showed my resume to a few of my professors to gain some feedback on what highlights my strengths in the best way.

Did this internship change your ideal career path? What was the best part about your internship? What skills did you acquire through this particular internship experience? 

This internship definitely allowed me to gain more communicative skills with people I wouldn’t normally interact with. Being in the South was at first a culture shock since I’m from the Chicago suburbs, but I really liked engaging with local residents and any visitor who came into the museum. I learned how important it is to keep community ties close while managing a museum or any organization that is meant to educate the public. My favorite part of my internship was making a brochure for the museum. All the staff and volunteers loved it and still use it for advertising!

What are you planning on doing in the future? (more internships, job interviews, grad school, study abroad, etc)

I’m currently applying to graduate programs that offer Masters in Public History. I hope to work in a museum or historic site engaging with visitors and the local population after graduate school.