Author Archives: pgreer

Museum Studies Minor

Recently added to the curriculum, the Museum Studies minor offered by the History, Anthropology, and Classics (HAC) Department allows students to engage with the inner workings of museums. In Museum Studies courses, students complete 18 credit hours as they learn about the history of museums and the ethical decisions affecting displays and exhibits. One class that students enjoy greatly is Museum Studies (AN347). Students learn materials one day and visit a museum in Indianapolis the next. This minor is perfect for people interested in museum work who want to expand their knowledge and practical skills. 

Although offered through the History, Anthropology, and Classics Department in conjunction with the Jordan College of the Arts, the minor appeals to non-HAC majors due to its multi-discipline approach. The Museum Studies minor intersects with several academic fields: history, anthropology, classics, art, art history, and archaeology. This broad approach attracts students to this minor, and one of these individuals is Lauren Luktish. Luktish has a major in art history and minors in Museum Studies. She added this minor on the recommendation of a faculty member, as she had a passion for art and the inner workings of a museum. She loves how this minor allows her to visit museums in class and talk to curators at various museums in Indianapolis. Luktish says, “This experience helps me understand and see all the decisions and controversies involved in museums and the political and ethical issues not seen by the average museum-goer.”

The Museum Studies minor reveals another layer to the museum experience. Students learn about the curator process, the decisions affecting displays, and how museums operate. Headed by Dr. Elise Edwards, this minor is perfect for those who want to dig deeper into the museum. It rounds out a liberal arts education and suits various disciplines. 

For additional information, contact Dr. Elise Edwards at

Geography and Global Studies Minor

One of the unique minors the History, Anthropology, and Classics (HAC) Department offers is the Geography and Global Studies minor. Dr. Thomas Paradis is the head advisor and created the minor because a growing number of students showed interest in human and environmental geography and urban design. Since no existing course of study focused on these topics, Dr. Paradis revamped an old geography minor and made it more multidisciplinary to appeal to students around the university. In Geography and Global Studies courses, students learn about human, cultural, urban, and environmental geography, global development, and technical skills like GIS (Geographic Information Systems).

Because of its multidisciplinary approach, many classes fulfill the 18 credit hours requirement. One of the courses required is a Natural World credit, and one of the most interesting is Earth System Science (NW260 – COE). In this class, students learn about the earth and the natural phenomena that occur on it. One unit deals with cave systems, and some professors take students to southern Indiana to visit a couple of cave systems. They learned how they formed inside the classroom and got real-world experience. Another class that counts toward the Geography and Global Studies minor is Experiencing the City (PCA267-HST/AN). This course also fulfills the Indianapolis Community Requirement (ICR) and allows students to explore the Indianapolis area. Every week brings a new experience. Students visit museums, art galleries, organizations, and other places reinvigorating the Indianapolis community. 

The Geography and Global Studies minor is perfect for those wanting to learn more about the environment and how humans interact with it. This minor encourages more global and local awareness of diverse customs, cultures, and approaches to development and how the natural environment affects human decisions. Dr. Paradis’s goal is “for students to gain enough experience in these topics to enhance their majors and make them more employable within the rapidly expanding opportunities for green and sustainable career paths. “This minor does that and more as it calls for people to go out and explore the world. 

For additional information, contact Dr. Thomas Paradis, at 

Student Spotlight: Leah Ollie

During the 2023 summer, student Leah Ollie interned at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C., as a part of the Because of Her Story Cohort Program. Majoring in English and minoring in Anthropology and Museum Studies, Ollie felt this internship would help sharpen her skills and learn more about potential job opportunities. Over ten weeks, her internship did just that. 

Ollie was a part of the Because of Her Story Cohort through the Smithsonian Institution,, which works to amplify women’s stories to tell a more complete narrative of American history. The program sheds light on figures not found in the history books. Working at the National Museum of Natural History with other interns, Ollie spent much time in the anthropology section of the museum. Diving deep into the archives, she uncovered the stories of the women who unofficially worked in the department. Along with her research partner, they maintained a spreadsheet and wrote biographies of the women they researched. At the end of the internship, they posted the stories of these women on social media. These women were often the wives of curators, and they did a lot of the labor. Working as unpaid laborers, the museum did not recognize them for their work. This internship uncovered their stories and also presented Ollie with many learning opportunities. 


While a part of the Because of Her Story Cohort, Ollie learned from fellow interns and professionals in the anthropology and museum fields. At the National Museum of Natural History, the experts told her about museum expectations and taught her more about preservation and conservation. She realized how intensive it was to work in collections and archives and how there were multiple paths to becoming a museum curator. At the same time, she saw how rewarding the process was. It involved a lot more creativity than she initially expected. Besides learning about the inner workings of the museums, Ollie sharpened and developed her skills in the internship. It showed her the different ways to research and share information. 

Because of her experiences, Ollie recommends for others to intern somewhere. She says, “It is a great way to get short-term experience and learn more about a potential career before jumping straight into it.” Internships provide time to see what you like versus what you don’t like. You become more prepared and informed by sharpening skills and developing new ones. At the same time, it gave Ollie the opportunity to build connections outside the Butler community. 

Alumni Spotlight: Fiona Schicho

Q: Name, Graduation Year, Majors & Minors

My name is Fiona Schicho, and I graduated in May 2019 with a Bachelor of the Arts in Anthropology. I’m proud to say I graduated summa cum laude with departmental and university honors. I started out at Butler as a dance performance major. After I quit dancing my sophomore year, I absolutely fell in love with Anthropology.

Q: What was your first job out of school? What are you doing now?

Since graduating, I have worked with Indiana Clinical Translational Sciences Institute on community-based health research in the “Worlds Apart” study, conducting focus groups to understand barriers to health, worked as a clinical research recruiter, and served a term as an AmeriCorps VISTA for the IndyEast Promise Zone on the Near Eastside of Indianapolis. In this role, I ran the Quality of Life Survey, organized the affordable housing committee, and performed data analysis and program evaluation. On the side, I have volunteered with hospice and domestic abuse hotlines, trained as a birth doula, and worked as a server and babysitter. I am currently a graduate student at Boston University, earning a Masters in Social Work and a Masters in Public Health. I am concentrating on Macro Social Work and Health Policy and Law, and I intern at Boston Children’s Hospital with the Pediatric Advanced Care Team and the Bereavement Program. I am also the NASW (National Association of Social Workers) MA student ambassador for my school! We are currently advocating for the passage of the SUPER Act- a bill to increase diversity in the field by breaking down barriers to a social work education.

Q: How has your degree prepared you for your job? Is there anything you learned from your classes that you still use in your current profession?

I can’t speak highly enough of the professors in the History, Anthropology, and Classics department! I have always been interested in global health and medical anthropology, so I took many courses with Julie Searcy, an incredible professor who became my thesis advisor and mentor. My thesis experience was incredible – I attended a Congolese Pentecostal Church in Indianapolis, a refugee community, and interviewed the community on their experiences in the U.S. There are so many skills I learned during my time at Butler that I have utilized in these roles, but I would say the most important are the ability to read and synthesize information, ask thoughtful questions, engage in cross-cultural dialogue, and present data in a comprehensive, accessible way. My ultimate career goals involve working in the maternal health field and reproductive justice. I’m interested in researching and advocating for policies that improve maternal health equity and maternal mental health.

Dr. Germano’s FYS: Nature, Place, Story

For the 2023-2024 school year, Dr. Nancy Germano is teaching a first-year seminar (FYS) called “Nature, Place, Story.” Fulfilling the Indianapolis Community Requirement, its goal is to integrate classroom knowledge with active experiences in the Indianapolis community. As a result, this class allows Butler students to build broader connections in the Indianapolis area while advancing their education. For ten weeks of Dr. Germano’s FYS, students stay on campus and go over readings on Monday and visit and engage with the community on Wednesday. Most Wednesday mornings, the class spends their time working with second graders at Indianapolis Public School (IPS) 55. Every week, Butler students partake in different activities that connect the community to nature. One week, they did leaf presses, allowing students to preserve a piece of the outdoors. Besides connecting to nature, the class builds bridges to the historic communities surrounding Butler University.

Two Butler students helping Stepping Stone Academy students decorate cards.

Although the FYS typically spends their Wednesday mornings with IPS 55, they had a change of plans for one of their classes in mid-October due to IPS 55 being on Fall Break. As a result, they had to look elsewhere to connect to the community. They had the extraordinary opportunity to work with students at the Stepping Stone Academy, which is a school for children with autism. Located next to the Old Engine 31 Fire Station, community members have developed the area into a green space for civic engagement rather than have it fall into disrepair. They took a historic building and repurposed it into something new. They maintain numerous gardens, take care of chickens, host events for the Stepping Stone Academy, and will continue to expand their endeavors in the future. 

For the activity at the Old Engine 31 Fire Station, Butler students worked with the Stepping Stone Academy students to upcycle some flowers and seeds and make nature-themed cards to give to family members and friends. Tasked with decorating the outside of envelopes with recycled flowers and markers, students did just that and got creative with the project. After designing the card, students placed seeds inside the envelope to give to family members and friends so they could plant new plants. This project took old flowers and repurposed them so others could enjoy their beauty. Planting the seeds will continue this cycle and allow students to build a stronger connection to nature. Besides interacting with the environment, it allowed the Stepping Stone Academy and Butler students to showcase their amazing art skills. 

Rather than stay inside the classroom all semester, Dr. Germano’s FYS class has the opportunity to explore nature and experience the Indianapolis community to the fullest. Students get to build connections outside Butler’s campus, and it is a rewarding feeling. According to student Vivian Rodkey, “It is a fulfilling experience to engage with the community and learn about Indianapolis’s history in the process as well.” This class shows that planting seeds in the community can grow into something beautiful. 

Student Spotlight: Aidan Gregg

Written by student Aiden Gregg as a part of his internship experience in Greece:

This semester, as part of my study abroad program, College Year in Athens (CYA), I have had the opportunity to intern with the Wiener Lab. The Wiener Lab is a research department of the American School for Classical Studies at Athens. The American School is a research institution dedicated to studying Greek archaeology, history, language, and other disciplines under the umbrella of Classical Studies. The lab is located on the main campus of the American School — at the foot of Mount Lycabettus — and is split between two buildings, colloquially referred to as the “old” and “new” labs. For this internship, I have spent most of my time in the old lab, assisting my supervisor, Anna Karligkioti, in processing materials for her research project. 

Most of my work for this internship involves cleaning human bones and doing basic identification and grouping. Most bones can be cleaned with a toothbrush, some water, and a small wooden pick, though some thinner bones require more gentle treatment than others. Cleaning the skeletal elements allows my supervisor to identify pathologies on the surface of the bone, which is important to her research. Special care must be taken with some cranial bones, especially mandibles with teeth in place. The teeth can be used for DNA extraction and the cleaning process can make that difficult. Ironically, brushing the teeth can also cause the teeth to appear to have pathologies they did not have originally. As part of the cleaning process, I have become more familiar with human skeletal elements, and how they typically look. I am beginning to understand how to identify more obvious pathologies in the bone, specifically those associated with breakage during life. Additionally, my supervisor has shown me how to use cranial and pelvic morphology to estimate age and sex. 

My work aids my supervisor in conducting bioarchaeological analyses of the material for her dissertation. The skeletal material for this part of the project comes from a cemetery near Thebes in Boeotia. She also plans to look at skeletal material from a cemetery in the Mesogeia Plain, in Attica. The cemetery near Thebes contained at least 843 burials from the Geometric to Early Roman periods, though all the remains I have worked with were from the Hellenistic period. My supervisor is currently focusing on using biodistance analysis to understand kinship patterns and mobility in this area of the Greek mainland. 

Biodistance analysis uses skeletal morphological traits and analysis of phenotypic variation to understand how people are biologically related to one another. For this, teeth are especially important as they tend to exhibit normal morphological variation and some dental traits have higher heritability and are good for establishing a degree of relatedness. So far, this study has looked at 13 individuals from the Classical period and 24 from the Hellenistic. Following the assumption that people are buried with their kin group, the biodistance from one individual to another will theoretically help establish the extent to which biology influences kin groups. My supervisor has used cluster analysis comparing the spatial distance to biodistance within the cemetery. As of now, it seems that burials closest to each other do not necessarily have less biodistance, and are as such not necessarily as closely biologically related as they are with other individuals within the cemetery.

Additionally, preliminary biodistance analysis has shown that Hellenistic individuals are slightly more genetically diverse than the Classical. This discovery indicates a slightly higher degree of mobility outside of the main settlement in the Hellenistic period. With that said, it is evident that Thebans during these periods were generally endogamous, marrying within their communities and kin groups. In general, it seems that there was a relatively low degree of mobility during this period, but more skeletal analysis is essential to the project. 

My work with the Wiener Lab has uncovered a part of archaeology that I did not have much experience with before this internship. It has required me to excavate — so to speak — some of my high school biology and chemistry. I think this will be particularly helpful if I have to dig through some more bioarchaeological analysis for my thesis. My study abroad program was an essential part of getting this opportunity. I reached out to my student affairs department about internship opportunities, and all I had to do was submit a cover letter to get in touch. I would highly encourage others, whether they attend CYA or any other program, to reach out early and see how you can get involved.

Rome in the Ruins: Study Abroad Spotlight

This past summer, Dr. Christopher Bungard took several students to the Italian Peninsula for a Rome in the Ruins trip. Fulfilling the Physical Well-Being requirement and the Texts and Ideas requirement or a 300-level classics course, the group took the adage “When in Rome…” to heart. They read ancient authors and toured multiple cities and ruins while visiting. Dr. Bungard wanted students to experience the reality of their readings. He notes, “You get a sense of scale and where things are in relation to each other. The stories become alive with a more personal connection.” Seeing the material culture firsthand is drastically different than seeing images of it in the classroom. Dr. Bungard wanted this trip to bridge the gap between the past and the present by being in that physical space. Besides learning about the Ancient Roman world, Dr. Bungard wanted students to learn about themselves while navigating a different place. He states the experience is  “eye-opening for students.” While traveling the Italian Peninsula, the Rome in the Ruins trip achieved these goals and more. 

On the three-week adventure, Dr. Bungard and his students briefly visited Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Naples, but spent most of their time in Rome. They walked around archaeological sites, toured many museums, and explored the Colosseum, multiple churches, and some catacombs. Not everything went as planned, as some sites were closed for renovations, but these shutdowns provided ample opportunities to explore different areas. One day, the group was supposed to visit Nero’s Golden House but ended up at the Domus Romana. While touring, Dr. Bungard and the students experienced the depth of Roman history. A more modern building sits on the ground level, while its basement houses an ancient Roman archaeological site. As a result of this tour, they also stood at the base of Trajan’s Column and experienced it like a Roman would in the past. It was an unexpected but welcomed experience. 


Besides visiting the Domus Romana, another highlight was touring the cities Mount Vesuvius took out in 79 CE. Before walking around the ruins of Pompeii and Herculaneum, students read the accounts of Pliny the Younger, who wrote about the rescue efforts of Pliny the Elder to save the people fleeing the eruption. After reading the primary sources, they experienced the cities themselves. They saw ancient graffiti in Pompeii and encountered a different side of the story in nearby Herculaneum. Both Via Sarjent and Elijah Smith, students on the trip, agreed that Herculaneum was one of the best parts, as it was interesting to see and learn about a different side of Vesuivus’ destruction. They said it was “ten times more gruesome” and wondered why it is not more well-known than its famous counterpart, Pompeii.

In the end, the Rome in the Ruins trip was a success. Students learned so much about the Roman Empire and how it functioned. According to Sarjent and Smith, each day was a different topic, and it was exciting to learn so much. At the same time, they were excited to learn about themselves and the other people on the trip. They lived and navigated a foreign country together for three weeks. It was a fun trip filled with history and constantly thinking about the Roman Empire. Fans of the Roman Empire couldn’t ask for anything more.