How do I approve my employee’s timesheet?

Approving Reported Time

Navigation:  Login arrow Manager Self Service arrow Time Management arrow Approve Time and Exceptions arrow Reported Time

Butler University Payroll Procedure Summary

Reported time and absence requests for the current period must be approved by noon on Monday of each week.   The time entries are then converted to “Payable Time” in the payroll system to generate pay checks.  Time that is not approved does not go to the payroll system and may result in an employee going unpaid.

Remember, this page ONLY shows you staff who have time that needs approval for the week indicated in the date field.  Change this date or use the “Previous Week” hyperlink to move to last week’s time.

Processing Steps Screen Display
A search page is displayed:

  1. When the page is displayed, click the Get Employees button and then scroll down the page to see your employees.
Timesheet summary page in the time approval process, with the View By filter highlighted.
  • Employees who have unapproved reported time will be displayed.
  • Note the column indicating hours to be approved.
  • Reported time can be approved either on this page or on the individual timesheet.
  1. Click Select all link
  2. Click approve button
    • Or, to view an individual timesheet, click on the employee’s name.
Employee reported time awaiting approval screen with the hours to be approved highlighted.
The timesheet will be displayed.

  • Individual rows can be selected for approval or the Select all link  hyperlink can be used to select all of the rows.
  • If an error or omission was made in the employee’s time reporting, the supervisor can correct it in the appropriate box and then click thesubmit button   button.  (SUBMIT=SAVE)
  • Click approve buttonto approve the selected rows.
Timesheet display with individual rows of an employee's reported time displayed.
A message will be displayed.

  1. Click Yes button
Confirmation message box: Are you sure you want to approve the time selected? Once approved the status cannot be reverted back. Select Yes to confirm and complete the status change, No to return to the page without updating the status.
A message will be displayed.

  1. Click OK button
Confirmation message: Approve confirmation. The approve was successful.
  • If all time is properly recorded and approved, the process is complete.

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