
RBE has left me with great experiences that I could not get in any other class at Butler. I am the type of person who learns by doing and RBE is the definition of doing. At times the class was challenging with all of the responsibilities, but it has pushed me to further develop myself academically. This class has shaped me as a person and as a professional. I will never forget what I have taken away from this class.  Some skills I was able to better throughout this course were time management, public speaking, problem solving, and working with a group of people.  All of these skills will be needed as a professional. So many different things when into this course and I was able to take so much out of it. Having this hands on experience has had a huge impact on me and will continue to impact me in my future.  Through all the hard work and long hours put into planning and operating Pasta Bene and the overall class, it was worth it.  I truly enjoyed the experience.


Real Business Experience is a great class and I am lucky enough to have participated in it this semester. It is a meaningful class that truly prepares one for the professional world. I enjoy the fact that RBE entails hands-on experiential learning instead of a theoretical lecture. RBE has helped to shape me on both a personal and professional level.

The communication, time management, and problem solving skills that I have gained from RBE have left be well-prepared for the professional world. One cannot simply read a book and know how to run a business; one has to actually run one before they have the know-how. I enjoyed working with my teammates this year and I have a stronger desire to one day run a business of my own on a larger scale. I am lucky to have been able to participate in the RBE program here at Butler and I strongly urge prospective business students to participate in the future.


Originally entering college I was extremely against majoring in business.  I thought that it sounded boring, and all I could think about was sitting at a cubicle all day.  What I learned from this class is that it can be much more than that.  I really enjoyed coming to class and making all the decisions associated with our business.  After taking this class I have a much more positive idea of the business world, and I am glad that I made the decision to major in business.