Isn’t it perfect how they all stare? How the way I dress isn’t “feminine” enough and my hair is too puffy and wild.

That showing my shoulders isn’t “appropriate” and I need to where a skirt below the knees because any higher and I’m basically a stripper. That showing my girls is way too slutty and provocative.

Isn’t it perfect how I’m constantly looking over shoulder covered by sleeves, hearing the other girls talk about how insane my outfit looks. Constantly asking a mirror if I am perfect enough to be seen by society.

I don’t feel comfortable enough to wear a dress and high heels so I wear what makes me, me! Oh, but dare if I wear a tank top and basketball shorts when just taking a walk to nowhere. Instead of putting on make-up and curling my hair.

Don’t ask if I even come close to looking “manly” than I’m the one who is wrong and a disgrace to the female population.

Then I’m the one acting out for attention and being the bad version of a weirdo.

Isn’t it perfect how just being me, acting and dressing the way I want is bad? Isn’t it just simply amazing how saying I’m fabulous gets me judged and labeled a childish kid?

Aren’t we all just perfect?


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