Posts by: Stuart Glennan

Dear friends of STS —

With the close of this semester I will be ending my short stint as interim director.  I will be replaced by the new permanent director, Dr. Carmen Salsbury.  Dr. Salsbury, who for the past six years has served as chair of the department of biological sciences, brings a lot of […]

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Who are the STS faculty?  Since STS is a program that draws on the expertise of faculty across the university, this can be a bit hard to figure out — until now.  Starting this semester we are beginning to officially designate faculty whose research, teaching and service supports STS as affiliate faculty.  These are the […]

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I just realized that we had failed to share with you another course for spring  2014 that can serve as an STS elective.  This looks very interesting — especially for those of you interested in environmental studies.

EN393: Into the Wild – Literature and the Environment

This class will explore wilderness and its relationship to […]

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Check your audit

On November 8, 2013 By

A common and important question for STS majors is: what counts towards my STS degree?  In theory, the best way to answer this and other questions about graduation requirements is by reviewing your academic requirements (what everyone calls your degree audit)  in the Student Center of My.Butler.  I say, “in theory” because in order the […]

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Below is an e-mail snippet about a paid internship opportunity in Science Policy this summer in Washington D.C.  To qualify you must be a member of a group “underrepresented in (science, technology engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines” and you must be a STEM major.  STS itself is not obviously a STEM major, but if you […]

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You can now look up STS courses on Course Search.  When you get there:

Select the browse tab Select “College of Liberal Arts and Sciences” or “Interdisciplinary Studies” in the first drop-down Select “Science, Technology and Society” in the second drop-down Select Spring 2014

This should match […]

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Butler’s new core includes the Indianapolis Community Requirement, which requires you to take a course that meets certain requirements for active engagement in the community.  You may well have already taken one.  Please check your degree requirements to see where you stand.  If you haven’t, you need this to graduate, so juniors (and especially seniors!!!) […]

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The following course taught this spring in the political science is an interesting opportunity for STS majors

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At this link you will find STS courses Spring 2014, both core course and electives.   You should use this list for your planning.  (Course search currently lists some STS courses incorrectly; I will let you know when I’ve got that fixed.)

As you plan your schedule, here are some things to keep in mind:


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We are very pleased to announce that we will, for the first time, be hiring a full-time faculty member with a primary appointment in Science, Technology and Society.  A full-time faculty member will allow us to increase the regularity and variety of course offerings.

The search for a new person is already underway.  We […]

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