Victoria Brocksmith

Victoria BrocksmithWhat was your best memory of your freshman year?

My best freshman year memory was traveling down to Houston to cheer on the basketball team in the Final Four and Championship game!

If you could give one piece of advice to an incoming student, what would it be?

Don’t sweat the small stuff… Every new student is going through the same transition into college.  It can be tough- but you’re not the only one who may be feeling homesick, overwhelmed, or nervous for the the upcoming semester.  If you are feeling this way, reach out to a new friend… I guarantee they are feeling the same!

What, in your opinion, makes Butler unique?

Butler is a very special place.  No where else can you find faculty/staff that treats you as family.  Anyone will do anything to help a student and if they don’t know how to help then they will find someone who can.

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