The Encyclopedia of Early Earth by Isabel Greenberg is a fantastic graphic novel about a storyteller who is sent on a quest. The book starts with a Nord man and a South Pole woman meeting for the first time. While they are opposites, they quickly fall in love. However, they can not touch. The woman asks her husband to tell her the story about how he found her from the very, very beginning. Throughout the book there are many different, unique, and interesting stories. In these stories you meet the main character, the storyteller and learn the boy has been separated into three different boys. Then soon after put back together again by the Medicine Man. However, when put back together, the Medicine Man lost part of the boy’s soul. On the storytellers journey he meets many people from many different cultures and areas around the world. I really enjoyed reading this book. All the pictures really added to the storyline and made it very interesting to read! The book is fantastic for late elementary aged students. Some stories are more graphic and some of the drawings contain nudity, which would be appropriate for a child that is older. The aspects and plot of this book would also be better
understood by an older student.