Quick Styles in Word & Outlook

Office 2007 has a nice little feature that we all might use a little more if we knew it existed. 🙂

Quick Styles are preset, pre-configured font/paragraph/display settings. To experiment with the Quick Styles, open up a new email in Outlook. Click on the body of the message and then click the “Format Text” tab way up at the top. On the ribbon you’ll see a new group, called Styles. Click on the Quick Styles button to see a list of some “standard” styles you can choose from. You can even customize and make your own specific styles if you like.

In MS Word, it’s not quite as obvious. You need to use the Change Styles button and then you can pick Style Sets, Colors, and Fonts. When you find one that you like, you can even click the option to “Set as Default.”

Another nice thing that’s part of Office 2007 is that if you mouseover any of these options, your content changes to reflect how it will officially look if you click to make the change.

If you have any other suggestions or experiences with using the Quick Styles, please post a comment to share with the rest of us.

Mobile Access for EBSCO Databases

Next time you visit any of the Database pages on our website, you will see a new addition. There are “mobile” icons (that look like this: ) next to the EBSCO databases in each of the lists. Clicking the new icons will take you to the Mobile versions of the database search interfaces. These work the same as the normal database pages, but they have all the non-essential material removed so the interface is easily used by handheld devices.

As more of our vendors create mobile-friendly options, we will be adding links to those as well. So far, the only one I’ve heard about is CSA/ProQuest, which will be including a mobile version in the new interface it will be releasing later in 2010. Stay tuned!


Blogs are Working!

You should all be able to get into both of the blogs now.

Visit http://blogs.butler.edu/DawgBlog or http://blogs.butler.edu/ButlerLib to view/post information.

You’ll need to log in with your Butler username and password to post on DawgBlog or even to view ButlerLib. That one’s secure and just for library staff.

If you want to post something, click on the LogIn link on the left under the “Meta” header. From the blog’s dashboard, you can look in the left sidebar under Posts and pick “Add New.” Fill in the blanks and there you go. I encourage you to pick at least one “Category” for your post, and also add one or more relevant “Post Tags,” which can be any words that describe your post. Take a look at the “Tag Cloud” for tags that have already been used.

You can subscribe to blog posts via RSS, but I’m working on a way to subscribe also by email.

Your Computer’s Security

Hello all.

I just wanted to take a second to remind everyone that we all should have our screen savers set to require passwords to get back in. If your computer goes to screen saver and when you move your mouse you get right onto your computer where you left it, you are not secure!

To set up this function, minimize everything on your desktop, then right-click on the wallpaper and pick Properties. Choose the Screen Saver tab and make sure there’s a check mark next to “On resume, password protect.” Then click OK.

With this set up correctly, you won’t have to worry about getting back to your office to log off your computer if you’re not there at the end of the day. Or even when you walk away from your computer for a few minutes.

Irwin Library Room Scheduling

IL 119 Calendar (formerly “Library Schedule”)
Used by librarians to reserve IL119 for instruction sessions. Librarians will continue to schedule their own sessions.

Room Scheduling Irwin Library – IL GBR and IL 007
1. Log in to MyButler.edu and click on https://my.butler.edu/.
2. Scroll to “Calendar & Event Scheduling”.
3. Click on “schedule an event” and follow the prompts.
You should receive an e-mail confirmation that is signed by Heather or Brad. This confirmation e-mail should mention the room number.
Alternately, you can ask Heather to schedule the room for you.

Refer all requests to Heather or Conferences & Special Events.
Checking the availability of IL GBR or IL 007
1. Log in to MyButler.edu and click on the “view the My Butler Calendar” link.
2. Select “quick search”.
3. In the box labeled “space name” type “IL” and then click “go”.
4. Click view events for the room you wish to check.
5. Note that you can click on the colored reservation boxes to see the details of a given event.
Alternately, you can ask Heather to check room availabilities for you.

Room Scheduling IL 226 and IL 306
1. Students can reserve via http://www.butler.edu/library/library-information/library-services
2. Staff can do the same or they can contact Brad or a circulation assistant.

Browser Compatibility and MyButler or the Web Calendar
Web Calendar: http://myintranet.butler.edu/help/mybutler/f/detail.asp?iFaq=261&iType=35
MyButler: http://myintranet.butler.edu/help/mybutler/f/detail.asp?iFaq=216&iType=31

Problems with your browser? Contact Scott Pfitzinger or the I.R. Help Desk.