Women’s History Month Dance Protest: Never be Silent
- It will be on March 28th
- We made new protest signs from the ones we used at One Billion Rising
- We will not have percussion ensemble this time
- So we are planning on forming our own drum circle with pots and make our own maracas
We brainstormed what we are pissed off about:
- Adjunctification of the university
- Tokenization of our diversity
- Follow the money
- Never be silenced
- If we don’t continue their work, then we aren’t honoring them.
- University’s sexual assault guideline
- Policy vs. Guideline
- Oppressors need to be educated
We discussed Craig Fischer winning the SGA presidency
- It has been heard his platform involves eliminating the money going to smaller organizations, like Demia.
- We plan on inviting him to Demia and telling him why this isn’t a good idea.
We may reach out to Men Against Sexual Violence and invite them to Internationali-TEA time to possibly have a joint meeting.