“An Entrepreneur’s Story” Reflection

This short story is the tale of a man named Liu who was able to see the progression of others treatment towards him just through the gain of money. Liu had inspiration to be rich, as his country was also pushing him to be, by profiteering off cigarette redistribution. This job however was illegal and led him into a couple month jail sentence and people around were disgusted of him as they saw his image in the news. He had been forced to accept a role as a brick layer where he had set eyes on his ideal perfect girl. She had time and time again rejected him through her mother’s disapproval due to his poverty status and past criminal activity. He brings up good points demonstrating his sadness but his eagerness to improve himself. He obtains status of the wealthy through his hard work of reselling high-end clothes on the street. This turns many onlookers into a full bandwagon effect, honoring him, looking up to him, and suddenly being nice to him due solely to the fact that he is rich. This includes his crush Manshan too. Now I personally would not give the light or day to any of these people because they were not riding with me before so why would I let them ride now? He ends up finally going on a first date with Manshan and she pretty much just gives herself up completely to him, which in my eyes is another red flag. He is teaching us that people are materialistic and can become a fake friend when they see your success. It is best to surround yourself with people that truly care for you and stick by your side no matter the situation at hand.