“An Entrepreneur’s Story” Reflection and Analysis

After reading this short story, I began to notice many similarities between America and China regarding capitalism and the human response to wealth. Specifically, I was intrigued by the confusion and overwhelming emotion that the author felt as he became a recipient of what many would call, new money. Trying to adjust to his new role as a successful entrepreneur, Liu recognizes the unfamiliar treatment he receives from individuals in his community. He quickly becomes frustrated and upset with his sudden fame and acceptance in society, simply due to his new wealth status. This behavior is commonly practiced in America, treating individuals who have money or power with much more respect than those who do not. Many Americans would likely relate to this sentiment, feeling just as frustrated by the idea as Liu does. Overall, Liu feels that the money he worked hard to earn did not earn him the feeling of satisfaction he had hoped it would. His unhappiness is now rooted in his relationship with the community as well as his wife and her family, something he sought to change. I have encountered many individuals in my own community with similar stories. The hard lesson learned from this short story comes to be that money does not buy happiness.