“After Cowboy Chicken Came to Town” Reflection

After reading this short story it made me really think about the foods that I cook and how I could try to cook different cultural foods. I make arroz con pollo but that is barely a true different cultural meal. At the beginning it also talks about how the food was being criticized and it makes me think about some of the foods I cook at my house that may not be popular but that is just because I was trying out new recipes and feeling out different ways to cook. I also am very interested in how to cook authentic Chinese cuisine. I found a recipe for orange chicken from scratch and it was very good but I also feel like this is very basic and would like to get deeper into other foreign cuisines. Another thing I noticed throughout this story was how the customer was demanding money back because it just “was not good enough.” This highlights how rude a lot of customers can be in any food establishment. I have made sure that I never worked in the food serving industry. People can just be way too picky and make everyone’s life miserable just because they are unhappy with what they ordered. I feel for the waiters and waitresses and make sure I always tip somewhat generously because they deserve it for all they are put through.