“The Woman from New York” Reflection

In this short story a woman from New York returns to China with many stories about what she experienced in America, specifically New York, and everyone depicted this area as very rich and thought everyone in this area was millionaires and Wall Street was all gold. The woman comes back and informs them that it is not as great as they think it is and there are many homeless people and people that “work way too hard.” This just gives us a good picture at what foreigners may think about us and how we live over here in America and how different we might be thinking about how they live and their culture and areas. Later on in this story she tries to get hired and tries to use her international background as a boost on her resume. To her dismay, they did not hire her purely for that reason. They were scared that they wouldn’t be able to trust her because of her being in America and they did not know what she had done. They basically treated her like she was a foreigner and acted like she had never lived in China. This is hard to believe but also could be true about how we treat some people. Some businesses are hesitant to hire foreigners even if at some point they were Americans. Just because they may look different or talk different that might hurt them in a job interview. This just shows that almost every society has this flaw and we need all of society across the world to work on this problem. The last problem that was encountered in this story was Jinli trying to buy a new apartment. This apartment was supposed to serve U.S. citizens and since the people of China were already treating her as an American citizen and not a Chinese citizen it would make sense of why she would go to that specific apartment. The individual in charge turned her away because she was a Chinese citizen, even after she offered to pay with U.S. dollars and he still said no. So basically, she is being punished and is almost like she doesn’t belong anywhere because now she has both countries rejecting her because she is “foreign” to both countries and I cannot imagine what a horrible feeling that must be. This could really change some individuals minds about moving abroad for a time in their life because I would not want to be rejected even when I come “home.”