Be “That” Guy

We all have that one person in mind who is “that” guy, the one who goofs off or makes poor decisions or is just really annoying. Typically, being “that” guy comes with a bad connotation, but I want to touch on the good connotation, in connection with Confucius. Confucius is one of the great teachers/mentors from China and taught many of the natives how to be a good overall person. Confucius was seen as a leader in his own right and set standards for many people, which is explained through Confucianism. 


Confucianism means a lot of things to many people but at its core, it is a set of beliefs that people should follow to be seen as a noble and scholarly man, “shi”. In this set of beliefs, a few main points are important to state: treat everyone with high praise, have good faith and enjoy learning, don’t think in an evil way, be embracing, wish well on others, be thoughtful and embracing,and have reverence and respect. These are just a few broad statements that Confucius touched upon when it comes to be an overall good human being and they really do go a long way. We all need to hone some of Confucius’s teachings and portray them in our daily lives.