Tao Te Ching – Part 1

My favorite poem from the ones we had to read for class was #29. I think I was drawn to it because out of all of the ones we read, it was the most relatable to my life. I have trouble with controlling things around me and always wanting to have a plan for everything. This poem discusses that the world is a “spiritual vessel” and “cannot be controlled.” Additionally, it mentions that, “those who control, fail.” I think this is relevant to not only my life, but the lives of many people today. The more we try to control the world around us, the harder it is to do so. Giving up control is important to leading a happy and successful life.

The later part of the poem talks about extremes, excess, and extravagance. I think this warning still rings true in the context of our society today. So often we focus on how much we have or what we can buy, but the Tao Te Ching provides a warning against this.