Daodejing 41-81 Reflection

Continuing our discussion of the Daodejing this week and exploring numbers 41-81, a recurring theme that stood out to me was the idea of opposites, which also goes back to the concept of yin and yang and all things being in balance in the universe. In number 41, it states “The bright path seems dim; Going forward seems like retreat; The easy way seems hard; The highest Virtue seems empty; Great purity seems sullied; A wealth of Virtue seems inadequate; The strength of Virtue seems frail;” etc. which reveals this idea of things that are seemingly opposites going together and creating a sometimes new meaning in the process; a bright path being dark, going backward to take a step forward, simple being difficult, etc. Later on, this also connects to the larger idea that Tao is hidden, yet it is the source of strength for all things. This same concept also continues in number 42 and states “For one gains by losing And loses by gaining,” so once again, these two opposites of winning and losing are being compared by saying that when you lose, you win. I also thought the comparisons in number 44, which asks us to think about what is more important in life through a series of questions: fame or your well-being? Money or your life? and also asks what is more dangerous, winning or losing? I think these are important questions to ask and ponder, especially in American society today where we often base our ideas of success and status on wealth and physical possessions, which according to this teaching, will bring you misery if we hang on and are too attached to our wealth or possessions.