Life Lessons

There are many different ways that humans learn: by example, by reading, by watching, and by experience. In the Daodejing, poems 41-81, there are a few major takeaways that I gained that I think need to be discussed for the betterment of everyone. In poem 44, it explains how we need to “know what is enough-Abuse nothing. Know when to stop- Harm nothing. This is how to last for a long time” (Tzu). I think what this is getting at is to have awareness. Awareness has been a big thing that I have read and been taught about to help be a more complete human and a better person overall. Along with awareness, there is this idea of living life to the fullest and maximizing our lives and opportunities, and this is discussed in poem 48. It talks about giving life all of your effort, do not just sit around and do nothing, and gain knowledge bit by bit. We are here for a reason, and need to contribute to society and to ourselves, and that is what this poem is trying to describe.


A few other life lessons reside in poems 63 and 68. In 68, when reading, it kind of made me think of Nike’s slogan: Just Do It. It really just explains how to do good things without reasoning. We do not need a motive to act in a pleasant way that helps ourselves and those around us and that is why it is an important poem to touch on. Lastly, with 68, it heavily talks about leadership and tempers. To be a good leader, you need to be able to control your emotions and actions. In the Daodejing, a lot can be learned and be taken away to enhance our lives.