IACA Initial Thoughts – First Meeting

This past Wednesday was the first meeting for my ICR requirement portion of this course. The evening started out with Chinese take-out, which Kwan so graciously ordered for us. Kwan then went on to tell us about him and how his road to Indianapolis was paved. Kwan Hui was born in Hong Kong China, where he then lived until old enough to attend college. He then applied to St. Johns in New York and was accepted on a scholarship. Kwan then explained to us that he went on to Harvard Medical School where he completed his PhD and post doctoral rounds. I was fascinated by the level of intelligence and hard work Kwan displayed. Someone posed the question of how he ended up in Indianapolis, which he then went on to explain. Kwan explained to us that he had applied for a job at Eli Lilly, and was accepted, which meant he packed his bags and never looked back! Kwan has been a “Chinese Hoosier” for 33 years now! His presence in Indianapolis allowed him to begin work with the IACA, where he wanted to promote learning of the Chinese culture within Indianapolis. Kwan has served as President but now resides on the council. Kwan talked with us for about an hour and a half and even let us know of his favorite Authentic Chinese restaurants near campus! Something else I wanted to highlight was that Kwan mentioned the IACA is very open and accepting to all, not just the Chinese. Their organization is very active and enjoys participating in Carmel’s Independence day parade as well as other events! I am. excited to learn the lion dance and partake in Chinese culture practices this semester!