A Letter to my Brother

Men are certainly creatures of emotion. They act with lust, love, empathy, and entitlement. My husband only acts with two of them. According to him, one of his lifelong regrets was not having a concubine during our “marriage”. Apparently, I was not enough to satisfy his needs and marriage is more of a transaction to him, rather than an emotional connection that we develop.


Since we are not a traditional family, because I want our children to be better people than their father, he blames me for “being jealous of his role in the good family”. That irritates me to no end. How would you feel if you raise 5 children alone while your husband expects you to do the duties imposed by society? He is not even able to afford more servants because he is not capable of living up to his own duties!


He eats more than his own share, drinks too much, and he blames me for trying to maintain order in the house. He is a bad example for our children. Our children will grow to be lazy and slobbish if he keeps this act up.


We have five kids, that he cannot even name and he still wants more. He complains when I mimic what he does- laying on the bed, relaxing. He expects me to be a servant in my own home! He complains when he has to do some chores, but is it not a bad example to set for our children? They should be excited to get work done and they should want to do the tasks assigned to them, but he is ruining it for them. It is a pity, and I am tired of it.


Do you remember our servant that does not anything around the house? He tells me to take it easy on her, but why should I? We pay her to do his job so that he has more time to work at his job instead of picking up her slack – and he does not even do that. It always falls to me, while he drinks, eats, and does nothing.


Our children are like tornados, flying all throughout the house – ruining it right after I clean it. He blames it on me. He should control the kids!


If we want to return to a good family, then he needs to take a step back and reassess his values.