ICR 9/29

My ICR assignment this semester is the IPS Newcomer program. Every Wednesday, I visit the school from 9:00 am – 11:30 am. I spend the majority of the time (around 9 – 10:30) in a seventh grade math class, and the remaining time in an art class.

Today was the first day of my assignment. I got to show the kids what Butler is like (I showed them a video of Fairview and pictures of Blue) and told them what it’s like to go to college. After that, I had the opportunity to help them with proportions. At first, they were more reserved around me. Once they realized that I was there to help them and that they could ask me questions, they quickly opened up. By the end of class, I was able to help each of them with different problems.

My main takeaway from this class session is how difficult the experience must be for these kids as well as the staff. Not only are teachers trying to explain material, they are trying to do so in English. I was amazed by how well these kids were able to understand and follow along in such a situation.