Week At Washington (Township)

With a full week of going to Northview Middle School, I am finally starting to understand the whole process and have also picked up on some teaching tips. With working with adults, aged 25-45, whose first language is not English, there are a few adjustments that need to be made. Personally, I like to talk fast and that is just how I am, not because of nerves. I have found myself having to slow down and really articulate what I am saying because that is very beneficial for the students.


On Tuesday and Thursday, we mainly did class-wide activities that contained the aspects of family, contractions, apostrophe “s”, and properly using “-ing”. I was very impressed with all the students how fast they picked up on these concepts and how they put them into their sentences. We did eventually break out into groups and I got to teach 6 other students which was very cool and honorable because it showed that Chrissy, the teacher, respects and trusts me. We did activities and sentence structure worksheets, but at the end we had some time left. What I did is that I wrote down some of the words that they had trouble pronouncing, primarily with “singing” and “both”. Overall, this week was awesome and we are all learning and getting to know each other better. I am excited for the next few weeks to come and helping people out!