Rossabi Blog

What I found most interesting about this reading was the May 4th movement.  This was a protest that occurred on May 4, 1919 in which several thousand students organized a demonstration to protest the Japanese occupancy in Chinese territory. Fights broke out, one student died, and marches were held all over. Several thousand people crowded in front of The gate of heavenly place (Tiananmen) which was a very large entryway into the forbidden city where imperial rulers once lived. Anger struck when plans were announced to give former german territories in Shandong, to Japan instead of back to china. Wusi protest was another event that took place during this time that aids to the severity of importance on the date of 5.4.1919. Boycotts took place on Japanese products and much more went down until the Chinese government broke down and succumbed to three demands made by the people.

  1. Instructed representative in France to not sign the treaty of versailles.
  2. Dismissal of 3 officials whom protestors deemed corrupt.
  3. Finally, they demanded that all students who had been detained in the protests to be set free.

The Wusi Protests did not get what they set out to achieve therefore, the land was granted to the Japanese.


This was a piece of history I knew nothing about and I find it so cool that I get to learn about major events found in other countries historical time lines!