Mulan: 2020s Most Controversial Film

#BoycottMulan began to spiral on Twitter around this time last year due to uncovered allegations of Disney filming part of Mulan in Xinjiang, which is a region in China where it was believed that 1 million detained Muslims (mostly ethnic Uighur) Inside internment camps. The article I read went on to discuss how in Los Angeles, the freedom expression movement has a focus, but when you cross borders, and the democracy struggle in Hong Kong is erased, so are the human rights abuses in Xinjiang.” I never even knew this controversy was going on, having not even watched the newer version of Mulan. According to this article people wrote letters to Disney talking about how they were “white washing” this ongoing Uighur genocide. People even went on to state the idea of placing profit over the CCP genocide. Many are defending this entire ordeal by saying that the film was shot in 20 parts of China to capture the true aesthetic. They (screenwriters and producers) even went on to defend themselves by saying it is the unwritten rule to thank the countries and territories that they were allowed to film in. The movie seemed to be a flop in China, as if it wasn’t already a catastrophe. Ranking only 4.7 on the Chinese version of rotten tomatoes, many viewers felt that it had a “Chinese shell but soul.” I now want to watch this film having done some research behind its criticisms.