My Second Experience in the Drum Circle

After a week break due to the weather cancelling last Sunday’s drum circle, I went back to it this past Sunday with a lot of hope for what it could bring. While I did enjoy the dancing last time, I wanted to prefer doing the drumming instead. The event itself always brings in an energetic crowd of people from around the city. We were a lot more involved with the drumming this week and learned different patterns to go along with the beat. To start we each had to give our own beat that everyone else in the circle followed through with. While it went along we learned more about the culture and what the group does besides their circle. We learned about their fundraising event for a charity in Africa they are doing through a 5k that is held in Indy every year. At the end there was some dancing but most of it was free flow and instead was not as involved as last time’s circle. Overall I had fun and I look forward to keep going and learn more about the different cultures represented through music.