Cairo House 1-26 & Islam Documentary

The Cairo House and documentary show a lot of the values that the Islamic faith has. In Cairo House, we learn that there are certain gender roles regarding holiday celebrations. When the Gigi sees a sacrifice during the Feast of Sacrifice, she is shamed because a girl cannot be in the presence of the ritual. This is interesting to me because it enforces the idea of a man’s role versus a woman’s role. The men are supposed to conduct the sacrifice while the women are not allowed. In comparison to the documentary, I noticed similar ideals embedded in the religion. The Muslim man talked about how men and women are sometimes separated during worship because of the manner that women are supposed to behave in. While the religion advocates for gender equality, there are some divisions between men and women in Islam. In general, I learned a lot about the faith in the documentary, such as the five pillars of Islam, which are the Shahada (profession of faith), salat (prayer), zakat (alms), sawm (fasting), and hajj (pilgrimage). All Muslims are encouraged to practice the five pillars. I think the hajj is really interesting because it’s so interactive and allows Muslims to find their roots by traveling to Mecca. With these values in mind, I can understand why Islam is a growing faith in the world.