Learning the Lion Dance

Yesterday my ICR class got to visit the Global Village over on Lafayette Road. Here we helped Kwan, our instructor unload his car of all the equipment he would later use to represent the history on the Lion. The lion is not found in china, but rather Africa so the natives of china were not familiar with the full look of one. Meaning, the several regions of china at the time came up with several different styles of the lion. There were northern, southern, Japanese style, etc. I think all designs of the lions were interesting but I felt that the Korean one was the coolest representation of a “lion.” We then watched videos of two different groups performing the lion dance. One was a group of 3 men. One playing the drums and the other two doing the dance. The men were on each others backs and shoulders and their routine was heavily choreographed and practiced. This was opposite to the all female group we also watched. Their routine was much more scattered, un organized and confusing. Their routine also included overhead music, not a traditional drummer that we saw with the male group! Towards the end we got to practice with the lion costume they had on exhibit! I felt embarrassed but in the end it was fun and now I can say I have done it! After this we spoke with the general manager and then got to walk around and tour the building which was full of neat artifacts from multiple countries.