Sura/ Bible Comparison

In this Sura it talks about God being all knowing, all powerful and holding dominion over the Heavens and Earth. It sites God creating all things in 6 days, as is the same in the Bible. They describe Him as being merciful and kind. It mentions disbelievers of God being companions of Hell-Fire and believers having His Light and reward. This is also the same as in the Bible. The prophets in the Sura were mentioned as Noah and Abraham who are also mentioned in the Bible. Most of Sura 57 was in agreement with verses in the Bible and showed overlap. This was interesting to me because I didn’t realize how alike the two religious texts were.

By nmsimpso

Hola! My llamo Natalie Simpson. Tengo 18 años, soy un estudiante en Butler University. Quiero ser un PA despues de universidad. Quiero obtener un minor en Español.