Reflection on assigned suras

When reading the assigned Suras, specifically the Abdullah Yusuf Ali translation, I found it interesting that it began by noting that it is the duty of every Muslim to read and understand the Quran, as well as to instruct others and share it with them. I think this reveals how central the Quran is to Islamic tradition and how much of an emphasis is placed on reading and understanding it. Also, when thinking back to our conversation regarding how Christianity and Islam compare, I found it interesting that in Sūra 2: Baqara, it is stated that they “believe in the Unseen,” which remind me of the Bible’s emphasis on unseen faith, for example, in Exodus 2:12, which states, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” In Sura 57, it also mentions that they believe that Allah is the one who created the heavens and the earth in six days, which reminded me of the Creation story in the Bible. I also thought that Sura 75, which talks about the resurrection day, was interesting and when I did a bit more research, I found that in Islamic tradition, this is believed to be God’s final judgment day of humanity. 

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