Introduction to the Qu’ran

After reading several excerpts from the Qur’an, I couldn’t help but notice many similarities, in both language and overall message, to the bible I grew up reading. A few examples of words used in both the Qur’an and in the Bible are “covenant,” “apostle,” and “merciful”. These terms indicate similarities between Islam and Christianity as promises to follow the faith, individuals who do so exist within each one and the persona that they believe a divine power exhibits. I find it interesting that Jesus and Mary are mentioned briefly in the text, clearly making a statement of how they do not believe that he was the coming of God, just simply another human. There are also similar symbols in both texts. Rain is used as a metaphor for cleansing an individuals soul or spiritual being in both Islam and Christianity. Additionally, the story of Noah and the great flood is also found in the Qur’an (Sura 71) as it is in the bible (Genesis). While many largely influential stories in the bible are based on the stories Jesus told and accounts of his actions throughout his lifetime, I notice that the Qur’an focuses more on teachings told directly from the scripture rather than from a third person point of view. Similar topics are found in both texts as day of judgement, forgiveness from the divine and the battle between indulgence and sacrifice are all addressed numerous times in both texts and are influential in understanding the religion and how it is practiced.