Sura Readings Post

While I read the assigned sura passages, I noticed more similarities between Islam and Christianity that I originally knew of. First off, the style and prose of the passages is very similar to the Bible. I thought of the Book of Psalms in the Bible because of the way the passages praise God and using strong adjectives to describe him, such as “divine,” and “blessed.” Another comparison between the Quran and the Bible is similar stories. We read sura 71, which explained the story of Noah’s ark. The Quran says that the flood was meant ti drown sinners and Noah and his family would bring peace and goodness back to the world. The Bible has a very similar story with Noah’s ark as well. Both books also talk about Abraham and Moses as great prophets who spread God/Allah’s messages. Lastly, sura 57 talked about how God created the world in six days, which the Book of Genesis in the Bible writes about. I wasn’t aware of all these similar beliefs between Islam and Christianity until I read these Quran passages. It’s interesting to think of how Muslims and Christians view each other even though they have very similar beliefs.