The Prominence of Pillars

When it comes to religions, businesses, or any type of organizations, there are a few defined rules/guidelines/events that must be followed. In Islam, there are 5 pillars that every follower must take part in. The first one deals with how everyone must believe that Allah is the only God and that Muhammad is the messenger of God. The second one explains how there are 5 daily prayers that occur throughout the day. The third one describes the importance of fasting and how everyone must participate in it during Ramadan. The fourth pillar is how people must give a small portion of their salary to charity, almost like a tithe. The final pillar deals with the Hajj.


The Hajj is a pilgrimage to Mecca that a lot of Islamic followers try to make during their lives. In “The Hajj” documentary, it does bring up how only 10% of followers actually make the trip to Mecca. It is not an easy trip to Mecca but shows devotion.