
Quran Chapter 2 al-Baqara “The Cow”


“Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth no transgressors.”


“Let there be no compulsion in religion; Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah hearth and knoweth all things.”

Often, in America, when we think of the Islamic community, we think of ingrained stereotypes that have been accepted by many since the time of 9/11. Because 9/11 has been such an influential part of America’s recent history, it has put a certain spotlight on the Muslim population in the country, and around the world, and has allowed a small group of extremists to speak for an entire community. The interview we watched before, with Imam al-Qazwini, touched on the topic and talked about how in Islam, people are told to be tolerant of those around you and that followers of Islam don’t go out of their way to convert others. In the second chapter of the Quran, The Cow, it talks about how Allah has no love for those who overstep boundaries and go out of their way to offend or attack others. While Allah does have love for those who defend the name of Allah, he does not preach followers to fight offensively in the name of Allah. Not only is the stereotype of Muslims based off the act of terrorists, but it doesn’t encompass the perspective the Quran on tolerance. In the 256th verse of The Cow it talks about there being no compulsion in religion, and that those who believe in Allah standout from others who don’t addressing the position of the Quran on the tolerance of other religions and peoples. Reading the different verses and suras of the Quran has helped form a more informed point of view on Islam than I had previously.