The Hajj with Michael Wolfe Documentary

The Hajj is the great Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca. Only a Muslim can enter and attend it. This journey is very personal, taken along many people. There is an agreement of peace among everyone partaking, to not harm plants nor animals nor eachother. First the pilgrims recite verses showing their readiness to serve God. People frmo everywhere come to make this journey, there was people from Nigeria, Indonesia, Japan and China there. One man interviewed said that this experience is something Ameirca can learn from, that “all of mankind can get along”. I found that interesting since most of the time Americans don’t prefer to try and learn things from other cultures or religions that differ from their own.

The Kaaba is the sacred house of God built to symbolize His oneness. It’s the first temple built for men to worship God. At the time of prayer, it doesn’t matter where you are, you participate in it even if you are in a marketplace. There are a few other rituals, such as circling the Kaaba 7 times, following in Muhammad’s steps. Then they re-enact a family drama, with the zam zam well. There was about 2 million people there, going with the flow of the ritual.

Then there is a 5 day journey into the desert. They stay in a tent city and give up luxuries. Sadly, there was a large fire and some pilgrims died. This journey is not without danger. They pray and meditate on different stops of the journey. They all must gather 49 pebbles to use as a weapon against the devil on their next stop. The Hajj is concluded with circling the Kaaba 7 times and running between the hills 7 times.


By nmsimpso

Hola! My llamo Natalie Simpson. Tengo 18 años, soy un estudiante en Butler University. Quiero ser un PA despues de universidad. Quiero obtener un minor en Español.