The 5 Pillars

The 5 Pillars of Islam are the core beliefs and practices. The first pillar is a profession of faith. The phrase “There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God” is used to express this belief.

The second pillar is prayer. This is typically done 5 times a day in the direction of Mecca. If believers go to the mosque there is a leader of prayer that guides them. Following the prayer there is a sermon that focuses on the Qur’an.

The third pillar is called Alms. This can be compared to an offering/tithing in christian churches. It is basically giving a fixed portion of your income to the needs of the church or community.

The fourth pillar is fasting. This happens during the daylight hours of Ramadan(9th month of the Islamic calendar). This creates perspective and awareness for those of less fortune who do not have the choice to fast. This is also to be grateful for what they have been given including the Qur’an.

The fifth pillar is a Pilgrimage. This pillar is to express the importance of making a journey to Mecca in order to visit the city in Saudi Arabia. It is also expressed that this is dependent on health and finances,

These pillars could be considered a basis of the Islamic belief system and is crucial to understand when discussing Islam.