10/28 Notes Qur’an II

I knew that there were multiple times Muslims prayed a day. I knew there was a certain kind of cloth they put down to kneel on, but I didn’t realize not all muslims so that. I guess it depends on how religious you are or where you are in the world. In the United States, I’m sure jobs wouldn’t let you take several breaks a day to pray. Unless you work from home.

The story of God creating Adam is different in the Qur’an than it is in the Bible. Honestly, I was shocked to know Adam was in the Qur’an at all. I forget exactly what the differences between the two stories were, but, again, I was just shocked Adam was in the Qur’an. That makes the Bible and Qur’an even more similar than I had thought in the class previously. Also, the fall of angels isn’t in Genesis, whereas it is in the Qur’an. I would like to know more about the fall since I am only familiar with the book in the Bible and not the Qur’an version.