Drum circle outside campus on Halloween + Poster I made

So for this drum circle we went off campus to a local Methodist Church that was having a celebration for Halloween. When we got there I was a bit nervous mostly because I have never done the drumming off campus and in front of the public before. We set up, practiced for a bit, met with some of the church members, and started our performance for the public. It was luckily a normal drum circle except with the public viewing but we all still had fun. Some people were dancing and some were drumming. Luckily I was drumming because I stink at dancing. We spent about 2 hours doing that but we also stayed after to be involved with the other events and learn more about the other performers.

On top of that, I spent the last week making a poster for hours to attract the Butler Community’s attention about our drum circle. It turned out well but then again I am no artist. The poster will hang in the window in Robertson Hall to let people know about the drum circle and how they can get involved. It was very time consuming but I think it paid off well.