Muhammad’s childhood vs Jesus’

Muhammad and Jesus are both prophets but they come from very different beginnings. Muhammad’s parents Amina and Abdullah are forced to be married by Abdul’l’Muttalib. Amina then becomes pregnant with Muhammad and during the pregnancy Abdullah dies. Jesus on the other hand is born to Mary and Joseph but even though Mary was with Joseph, she was a virgin. As far as I know, they were not forced to be married and actually loved each other. Technically, Jesus does not have a father while Muhammad does but then his father passes away. Mary is also accused of adultery because of her pregnancy. Jesus is raised by Mary and Joseph while Muhammad is raised by a foster mother, Halima.

When Halima initially agreed to be his foster mother her weak baby finally nursed and went to sleep, her donkey was no longer tired and her camel was filled with milk; this was Muhammad’s first miracle. As a child, Muhammad has what his adopted brother thinks is a stroke. This is his first vision. He is then brought back to Amina. As a child, Jesus did not have visions but would preach outside churches the word of God. This is interesting considering that Muhammad did not become a prophet until he was 40 even though this is what he was born to do.

While traveling, Muhammad’s wife Aisha is left behind. She is found by a male childhood friend who returns her to the group. She is accused of adultery before God sends a message saying she is pure, much like Mary when she became pregnant with Jesus.