Selected Hadith reflection

Hadith 47 talks about not taking back what you give, which goes back to emphasis in the 5 Pillars on charity, including if they have halfhearted or a complete lack of generosity. Also in Hadith 18, the idea is emphasized that sometimes giving to charity isn’t always just giving the minimum of 2.5 percent, but it can be good deeds as well according to what Muhammad says here. In Hadith 22, fasting is once again discussed, as well as exceptions to the fast. This reminded me of the hajj where if you could not go for some reason, it will not necessarily be held against you. Like we discussed in class, I think there is an impression of Islam being very strict and rigid with not a lot of room for exceptions. However, in reality, there are certain elements, like prayer 5 times a day that are expected, but it is possible for tradition to have flexibility woven in or something starting out very strict and then becoming a bit more flexible. Purification is also mentioned many times, as is the actual ritual for prayer. Because of the ritual of washing oneself before prayer is often expensive and time-consuming, it is important to think about what this conveys. On the one hand, this reminded me of the call to prayer being changed due to COVID to allow people to stay home and pray wherever they were, but at the same time, there is still a need to show respect to God. I think this ritual conveys this, as there is a balance between making prayer so formal that you feel disconnected but not so informal that you lose that sense of reverence. Finally, the idea of learning being a life-long effort and pursuit of knowledge that is emphasized also reminds me of Confucian tradition which highlights these similar values.